Fuck The Neigh Sayers…

Worst.Porno.Ever.  One step closer, two steps back.  Advancement in fusion reactor comes as gov’t funding ends.  Samsung Galaxy Note 7’s deemed so dangerous that it is now a federal crime to take them on to airplanes.  Marvel continues to shit on DC, and a couple of time travel movies that don’t suck.  We realize that some of you feel our shows run a bit long.  I get it.  But only in a great country like the USA are you allowed to have such wrong opinions and carry on with your life.  ‘MERICA.  There is actually a lot more in the show notes so please check it out; you won’t be sorry!


Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  https://goo.gl/B9OkoU

Playlist of the week

(told you, MIKE.)

Evan: I made a new folder with some diet stuff. IOPanel / Evan / Be Less Fat.  In case you guys want to have your minds BLOWN

Mike: I want to have something blown

Evan: Okay, just for that I’m going to make you the star of next week’s intro.  Remember this moment.