Eau De Opinion, by James…

This week we spend a lot of time talking about blue lines and how they effect our lives and the lives of our countrymen.  Have a few laughs and let out a lot of sighs after seeing some comedic interpretation of the figureheads for both sides of a horrible two party system.  It has also recently come to light that despite what the documentary WarGames has led us to believe, hacking into your school systems computer and changing your grades is really not a thing.  Shame.  If you’re interested in distinctly ’round’ pictures then SnapChat is coming out with a product for you!  But wait, there’s more!  If you promise to tell your friends and give up all of your rights to your content on social media we’ll sell you a second device for double the price!  Hard to pass up a deal like that.  More jibber jabber from the three of us on a segment we call “Fat Chat” aka YUM Update (heh, Linux.)  And as always lots more cleverly named links in the show notes, and some plainly named links too.  Hope you enjoy the show!


Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  https://goo.gl/7umKts


Song of the week:
Calvin Harris – Let’s Go (feat. Ne-Yo)

Absolutely (Great + Really Good)…

It’s pronounced kumquat.  What the hell is a quat?  Okay okay nobody wants to say it but if you have to ask what a kumquat is then you suck at cooking.  This week we recant a tale of a fateful trip of a ship that was thought to be long lost but was found straight chillin in the Arctic circle.  Uber and Lyft are shooting for the stars and aiming to have their own fleets of self driving vehicles by 2020 if not sooner; will it be a good idea in hindsight?  Audible Channels (free with Amazon Prime) are a great source of concise news if you don’t have time to read or get tired of clickbait (*cough* BuzzFeed *cough*) online articles.  MSI likely spends way too much money on something that is more or less a gaming laptop with no screen.  We come up with ideas for the future of VR that we’re incapable of implementing, talk ad nauseam about losing weight and hint at how crazy Dan Aykroyd just might be.  As always check the show notes for links and full stories.  Hope you enjoy the show!


Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  https://goo.gl/apU7MI

Motivational Metalcore Song of the Week:
For Today – Determination

Gone In Twenty Seconds…

Episode 27, 27 x 2 = 54, 54 years of pain and anguish for anyone who defies the will of our new robot overlord, Atlas.  This week we not only welcome our new nightmare fuel from Boston Dynamics but now you can wake up from the nightmare of a coma using ultrasound, as if your brain was pregnant.  Neat!  For those of you who wish to run from our one true God, Atlas, you can put your hopes and dreams into the theoretical EM drive which works but kind of shouldn’t, so it’s getting tested, for reals.  Run away, heathens.  Run away to space.  There are a couple of super rad USB hacks out, so protect your ports if you can, which you can’t, so why bother trying.  Terminator Genisys is cool, games are cool, drug companies are awful, what’s new.  Enjoy the show!


Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  http://goo.gl/H5Zg3y

Evan’s song of the week:  Jared Dines – Demogorgon
(Jared is a Youtuber I watch and he has a lot of good and fun metal/music related videos, he is releasing a solo EP and this is his first song.  Enjoy)

Put ’em in a Body Bag…

We shed a single tear as we wave goodbye to Project Ara.  I can’t think of a worse tragedy in the last 16 years.  This is truly devestating.  BU08028 is a promising up and comer for all of your burned monkey tail problems, confirmation of NSA getting caught red handed and being total dicks, sketchy certificate authories, video game developer fan appreciation at a new high – take notes everyone other than Bethesda, Youtube: Your convenient online SJW safe space, and some fun things about travel, space ships destroying space ships, and “The Clarkson.”  Hope you enjoy the show and as always check out the show notes for links and more fun!


Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  http://goo.gl/Gwrrsw

Thank you to our good friends Tim and Eric for joining us on such short notice.  We love you guys.  For your health.

Evan’s song of the week:  Wage War – Twenty One

Feel the Burn…

With 2/3 of “the crew” on vacation in sunny Outer Banks working on their base burns we bring you a short but sweet (and slightly sour) episode.  Do you make vague, leading, attention whore posts on Facebook?  Fuck you.  Now that that’s off my chest you can enjoy our conversation about steak, NSA hacks, natural disasters in two places, kinetic weaponry, and your new career as a highly skilled tube bender on Mars.  You like bending tubes, right?  Hope you enjoy the show.


Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  http://goo.gl/jHEZha

Unrelated song of the week:  Amor – No Relief

Whistle While You Work…

IT’S ALL JOKES, FOLKS.  This week we did our first full LIVE BROADCAST!  You can check it out here if you are so inclined.  We chatted about space mining again (everyone’s favorite,) deep learning ASIC’s planning world domination under our noses, Volkswagen tricks (this is where it gets…racey,) brain mechanisms for language recognition, No Man’s Sky and why it’s probably not for you, the inaugural I/O Panel weight loss competition, and why nobody likes you.  Check out the show notes for even more.  Hope you enjoy the show!

Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  https://goo.gl/iTkl5R

Music Of The Week:
Periphery – Marigold | 3 – All That Remains
Thank You Scientist – Blue Automatic
Dream Theater – On The Backs Of Angels

I’ve Got to Rethink My Inks…

With almost every nation in the world fighting for their future in Rio right now, we’re here with the important coverage about blowjob cafe’s, the corruption of Batman, nearly century old anthrax dangers due to global warming, and the nature of the mysterious red powder known only by its name and sole ingredient..Chang.  We also talk about the founding fathers of the djent metal movement and why your musical tastes are inferior to mine.  Protip:  If you want to know what the world will be like in 23 years, pay attention to AT&T commercials..they seem to have a pretty good track record.  Hope you enjoy the show!

Chet Walters

Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  https://goo.gl/Z3ZJI8

Related songs of the week:
Periphery – The Bad Thing (again) | Periphery – Scarlet
Periphery – Stranger Things | TesseracT – Phoenix

You’re Not Special / Give Up, HOPE…

The burning cries of eternal veins breathe deeply, particularly when the secretary indicates a committee meeting at the university.  *BOOM*  This week we talk about what is and what isn’t, not what you think you might think you feel about it to fit in with other perfect snowflakes.  Windows 10 can still be yours for the low low price if using a keyboard shortcut.  Yahoo continues to make poor business decisions, don’t go to the UAE..just don’t, and when you cheat the system keep your mouth shut or you ruin it for everyone.  Check out the show notes for bonus material.  Hope you enjoy the show.


Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  https://goo.gl/7y25Zt

This weeks show brought to you by Mind Quad

Tesla Coil Demonstration

Evan’s Unrelated Song of the Week:
Fire From The Gods – Excuse Me

North Korea Sets The Status Quo…

Security professionals may soon be asked to train their AI bot replacements.  I have a feeling that the Union will have a problem with this…unless Don Bot and the robot mafia have a say.  Military grade NOPEs aka spider farms aka harmless silk worm harvesting.  The perils of trying to fit in with all those wonderful Pokemon Go fanatics, the search for social justice for all of zombie kind, and more stuff too!  Hope you enjoy the show.


Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  https://goo.gl/syiTlx

Evan’s (un)related songs of the week:
Spoken – Breathe Again | 10 Years – Beautiful

The Most Cunning of all Weasels…

Hyper-Chicken, Billywitchdoctor.com, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, Charlie Kelly; these men and mythical creatures all have one thing and only one thing in common, birds and law.  Don’t question it.  Congratulations!!! you’re probably a Federal criminal.  Better (bird) lawyer up.  “[Nintendo has done more for childhood obesity in the last 24 hours than Michelle Obama has done in the last 8 years..]”  Shady dragons are on the loose trying to snatch up your gold and a talk about how not everything shot out of canons is well received by the targets.  Much more in the show notes, thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy the show!


Feedback Email:  feedback@iopanelpodcast.com

Show Notes:  https://goo.gl/4JWYV8

Protip:  Don’t fall asleep on video chat while recording your own show.



Evan’s unrelated song of the week
Tesseract – Eden